Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How Does Avastin Treat Appendix D?

How Does Avastin Treat Appendix D?The appendix is a part of the gastrointestinal tract. It's actually a part of the body, but unfortunately, it cannot be completely seen by the naked eye. It is a part of the appendix, which usually acts as a barrier to prevent the other body parts from passing inside the stomach. When you have appendicitis, the appendix can't perform its function, and it causes a lot of problems.To treat appendix d, doctors first need to remove the appendix. This is often done in order to stop the infection. Most appendix illnesses are caused by the fact that the appendix becomes infected. The appendix is actually a part of the body, but it cannot function.When the appendix is removed, doctors must make sure that there is no infection inside the appendix, otherwise they will treat the appendix as if it were a part of the body. In most cases, the doctors would consider that it is just an appendix, but because it's not functional, it should be treated in such a way tha t it doesn't cause more problems. In order to treat it, doctors will use a prescription called Avastin.A prescription like this medicine is taken very carefully, since it can cause some reactions in the body. Doctors may also start their treatment by treating the appendix itself with a drug called Pefotiamine. However, this medicine can cause a lot of side effects. After Pefotiamine is stopped, doctors will proceed to start the treatment with Avastin.The side effects from using this medicine are minimal compared to the side effects from surgery. But doctors will still continue with the treatment, since they can't help if the appendix is damaged. Another thing is that doctors will never be able to treat the appendix with the medicines.Doctors usually give medication for four to six weeks, or a combination of medications, before they can perform the surgery. The surgery is used in order to put the appendix back into place, or to open it up so that it can heal.Surgery can be painful, a nd doctors will usually recommend that patients follow a rehabilitation program to recover from the surgery. A good rehabilitation program can really help the patient to heal from the surgery faster. After a year, doctors will use antibiotics to help keep the infection at bay.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How do students react to automated film-analysis essay evaluation

How do students react to automated film-analysis essay evaluation Recently, I reported on the perils and promise of a project I have been working on with Dr. Frank Bonkowski. We created an automated film-analysis essay evaluation system to provide the correction and formative scoring of essays to his advanced English Second Language learners at CEGEP de St-Laurent, in Montreal, Canada. The idea was to have the Virtual Writing Tutor process an essay and give formative feedback on grammatical errors, content and organization, vocabulary use, and scholarship. He tried the automated formative evaluation system with his students and we have some preliminary results to share. To see the first blog post on this topic and test the system with a sample essay, click below. Automatic Film Analysis Essay Evaluation Perils and Promise How will automated film-analysis essay evaluations help? We expected the system would help in two ways. First, we expected that the essay evaluation system would reduce the teachers workload by about 12.5 hours per week. Every time a teacher assigns an essay to his or her 120-150 students, the ten minutes spent correcting each essay adds about 25 hours of work to the teachers workload. Spread over two weeks, thats about 2 hours a day of extra work. However, by using the regularly scheduled computer lab hour to have students submit their essays to the online essay evaluation system, we expected that the teacher would be able to forgo much of that correction work. Secondly, we expected that students would be able to use the automatically generated feedback and scores on multiple drafts of their essay to improve the final result. That seems to be the case, also. Frank filmed semi-structured interviews with a handful of his students, asking them about their experience using the formative evaluation system. As we expected, students made multiple revisions of their essays, using the feedback and score from the Virtual Writing Tutor to guide the changes they made to their vocabulary, cohesion, language accuracy, thesis statement and topic sentences. The experiment Frank and I discussed the essay format, indicators of essay quality, and how students would use the system. Frank prepared his students with a series of lessons on researching and writing a film-analysis essay. Meanwhile, I worked with my programmer to define thresholds and comments based on essay features that we can detect with the Virtual Writing Tutor. With their research in hand, the students wrote a draft of their essays in the multimedia lab, but instead of handing them in to the teacher and waiting two weeks for feedback, the students ran their essays through the Virtual Writing Tutors formative film-analysis essay evaluation system. In just 2 seconds, the system generated four pages of feedback, scores, and comments on how to improve their grades. Using formative evaluation from the VWT, students revised for a week and handed in their final draft for Frank to evaluate. The results are encouraging. The students textThe first page of feedback The second page of feedback The third page of feedback The fourth page of feedback Bugs and catastrophic failures Until the system was fully debugged, the axiom held true that human intelligence fails by degrees but Artificial Intelligence fails catastrophically. Some students encountered Internal server error messages when they submitted incomplete drafts. Others balked at mystifyingly low scores triggered by a misspelled heading for their Works Cited list, two apostrophes instead of quotation marks, camelcase or other unexpected characters in their in-text citations, lack of paragraphing, and other formatting errors. Obviously, human teachers are still better able at handling the unexpected chaos in student writing than the VWT. We gleaned two insights from the failures. First, human coaching is essential for getting confused students to use the system successfully. (Incidentally, I have come to believe that the teachers prestige increases when students come to view him or her as an ally in a battle against the machine.) We expect that the second time they use it, they will understand the limitations of the machines AI and develop some persistence and patient problem-solving in the face of trouble. Second, we saw the need for a method to anonymously capture texts that trigger system errors and bad feedback. To that end, we added a Rate Feedback button and popup that would allow students signal a positive or negative reaction (thumbs up or down) and leave comments to guide our debugging efforts. Rate Feedback popup Semi-structured interviews What follows below are the video recordings and key findings from those semi-structured interviews. A summary of the increases in scores between the first draft and the final draft calculated by the Virtual Writing Tutors film-analysis essay evaluation system is given for each student interviewed. On average, the five students that Frank interviewed improved their scores by 21.2%. Frank told me that he selected the students to interview based on their willingness to revise their drafts, so it is doubtful that all of his students increased their scores by 21%. Student reaction #1: Ada Ada improved her score by 47% from 50% to 97%, making 7 revisions. She found the automatically generated comments detailed and useful. She rewrote her topic sentences based on sentiment analysis feedback to make stronger claims. She also added film and literary analysis vocabulary to improve the depth of her analysis. Student reaction #2: Sophie Sophie improved her score by 20%, going from a 59% to a 79%. She added literary analysis vocabulary based on suggestions of words listed in the automatic comments. Sophie also made corrections based on the grammar checker feedback. Student reaction #3: Alissa Alissa improved her score by 14%, going from 68% to 82%. She made her topic sentences more specific based on the sentiment analysis feedback, and she used the examples of a model topic sentences in the comments to rewrite her own topic sentences. She rewrote her conclusion based on feedback on her word choice. She increased the number and specificity of transition words to build cohesion. Student reaction #4: Valencia Valencia revised her essay 2-3 times and improved her score by 11%., going from 76% to 87%. She used the grammar feedback to improve her language accuracy (spelling). She increased the number and specificity of transition words to build cohesion. She made her thesis stronger using sentiment analysis feedback and the example of a model topic sentence provided in the comments. Student reaction #5: Rosalie Rosalie improved her score by 14%, going from a 63% to a 77%. She added film and literary analysis vocabulary to increase her score. She notes that the system did not recognize her Works Cited section at first. Part of the increase in her score may have been due to our debugging efforts. What have we learned about automated film-analysis essay evaluations? Remember that this was an early pilot of the system. Though we are optimistic that automated formative essay evaluations are likely to become a more common feature of ESL instruction in the future, this was simply a proof-of-concept experiment. We see this as encouraging evidence that there could be a place for automated essay scoring for formative purposes in our own courses. There is still a lot to learn. Franks comments Frank shared some of his own observations with me. He told me that his score of each students essay did not exactly match the score generated by the VWT. The system cannot tell the difference between meaningful reflections on a film and well-structured blather. Feedback overload Frank also told me that the volume of feedback (four 8.5 x 11 inch pages at a time) was overwhelming for some students. Some students told Frank that they just wanted the system to tell them what to do next. This remark prompted me to ask my programmer to put the comments into collapsed accordion sections showing just the score for each of the four dimensions of evaluation: content and structure, vocabulary, language accuracy, and scholarship. In some cases, we just want the headlines of the news and not all the details all at once, right? In the first iteration of the evaluation system, the comments were all regular black text. Since then, I have colour-coded the feedback so that green comments indicate 100%, black comments come with scores of 60%-90%, and red comments are for scores that less than 60%. In this way, students get a better sense of what requires immediate attention. How it works now with accordion sections and colour-coded comments. Reliability In terms of the system helping a teacher determine a summative score for the final drafts of the film-analysis essays, Frank told me that the system seemed most reliable at scoring the range and depth of vocabulary. Because it involved a straight count of literary analysis words and film analysis words, it helped him make an evidence based judgement about how much of the literary analysis toolkit he had taught them in class. Sometimes, even a straight count of vocabulary items can indicate achievement. Essays with literary terms suggest that student can and are willing to use literary terms in an analysis of a film. Thats good. Reliably less reliable were the automatically generated language accuracy scores. Foreign actors and directors names were flagged as errors even when correctly spelled. Whoops! Im not too worried about this, though. The system will perform better in the future. I added a list of exceptions to the grammar checkers internal spelling dictionary. However, the false alarms created some consternation for students. They were disappointed to see low language accuracy scores with no way to improve them. Frustrating. I get it. Coverage Frank noted that there were a number of glaring errors that the system missed. Obviously, the lack of error-detection coverage is a concern for me. I have been coding error detection rules for the past seven years, focusing mostly on high-beginner and low-intermediate learner errors. Now that Frank is using the system with his advanced students, I will have to write more rules to detect their most common errors. I will get there eventually. First, do no harm Frank certainly did not seem to think that the quality of his students writing declined. This automatic essay evaluation system is not doing anybody any harm. Nicks comments On the whole, we are both pretty confident that the system is helping students with their writing. Students seem to be able to use the scores and the comments to make changes to their essays. Gamification of revision I suspect that there is a kind of gamification happening. The student might enjoy using a comment to get an extra percent or two. Each revision provides a little boost and creates a kind of ludic loop. You play, your points increase, and you want to keep playing. Thats good. At junior college, students can sometimes lack college readiness. They can have the attitude of I did my homework and now its the teachers problem. Jock Mackay at a conference in 2014 called it efficiency syndrome. Students often try to get their school work done as quickly as possible. Think of it as optimal foraging. Students want a score above zero while expending as little energy as possible. Gamifying essay writing with automated formative evaluations seems to keep even underachieving students coming back to the task because they get immediate feedback that the job is not quite done yet. They keep plugging away at it, willing to make a micro effort in order to get the next bump in their score. Scholarship checker Upon reflection, I admit that the Scholarship calculation is still very rudimentary. Frank told me that some students reference lists were very sloppy but scored 100% anyway. I should explain that the system simply checks for a Works Cited heading and counts the number of non-empty lines below it. We have not made any attempt to check if the MLA style has been followed or not. At junior college, I am usually happy just to see that students are discovering and reporting other peoples ideas. They will have to up their game at university, but we can work on a more rigorous analysis using MLA or APA style requirements in the future. Revision strategies The fact that the students Frank interviewed reported making multiple revisions is the biggest news. Why? Getting students to reread and reflect on specific features of their writing is itself progress. Franks students said that the scores with comments were helpful in guiding their revisions. This tells me that the cognitive load of explicit, detailed feedback will remain manageable for some students with just accordion buttons and colour-coded comments. If we discover that only the most highly proficient students can use the comments productively and other weaker students find it all too bewildering, we will have to reflect on how teachers give feedback to that kind of student. Experienced teachers comments with stressed out students will tend to focus on the next concrete step toward improvementnot the next 30 steps. One strategy we could use might be an easy-win summary box of only the feedback with the biggest impact on the the students score. As a teacher faced with an anxious student, I would not want to try to give feedback on all aspects of the essay at once. Instead, I might draw the students attention to glaring omissions. For example, I might say, You have made a good start, but you forgot your works-cited section. Adding that will increase your score by 25%! Big score boosts can alleviate that sense of helplessness and allow for further revisions later. It is something to think about. Please follow and like us:

Why Your Middle School Student Should Get Into Reading

Why Your Middle School Student Should Get Into Reading 5 Reasons Why Your Middle School Student Should Get Into Reading The middle school years can be a difficult time. Students are adjusting to a higher level of academic expectations while all the while going through a major life transition. Emotions run high, and the stress of school can become overwhelming. As a result, middle school students begin to view learning as something negative and can take this feeling with them into their high school years. One of the best ways to keep a student interested in learning as well as to help them be successful academically is to encourage them to read. They dont need to read anything in particular; they just need to be working on reading comprehension in some form or another our private Orange County reading tutoring will help your child learn to love to read. 1.   Keep confidence high Middle school can be especially difficult if a student lacks the confidence to do well in their core subjects, one of which is reading and writing. Students will often be asked to read in front of the class or will need to comprehend something their teachers read to them quickly. When students read for fun, they have a chance to sound out difficult words or learn how to determine a word’s meeting in context in a low-pressure environment. When students complete all of this practice at home, it makes classroom reading much easier and keeps self-esteem high during this important part of life (READ: 5 Tips to Encourage Your Child to Read). 2.   Maintain reading as a skill Elementary school kids learn a ton of different skills, one of the most important of which is reading. However, students often start to backtrack on these important skills once they reach the stresses of middle school. Students who read at home for fun are a lot more likely to maintain the skills theyve already learned and been able to build upon them when new and challenging assignments come along. 3.   Learn how to speed read and look for keywords Middle school is also a time when students will need to be able to read fast and still understand information in the text or be able to skim for information and keywords in textbooks that are upwards of 1,000 pages long. This can be overwhelming in conjunction with all the other assignments students get from their classroom teacher, so its something thats better supplemented in a low-pressure home environment. If students need specific help learning how to search for keywords or terms, they can ask their tutor or parents to help them figure out what theyre doing right and what they need to work on. 4.   Learn about an exciting new subject Kids at this age often feel stifled because they focus primarily on core subjects in the classroom. As important as core subjects may be, kids need more intellectual and creative stimulation to maintain interest in their education. When students read at home, they can explore any exciting new subject that peaks their interest. In this case, kids can enjoy reading about whatever theyre into at the moment so that their love of reading, and learning in general, stays intact. 5.   Use the imagination Perhaps the most important reason for middle school students to get into reading is to use their imagination. Younger kids have great imaginations, but they often lose this way of thinking once they get into high school. The longer a kid reads about fantasy and fiction the more likely they’ll be to keep their all-important ability to imagine new things. Having an imagination can help older students think outside the box, find solutions to difficult problems, and just enjoy all the creative aspects of art and literature as part of a well-balanced academic life. Is your child struggling with reading? Our Orange County reading tutors are here to help. Call TutorNerds today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What to Order In from Delivery in These 4 Situations

What to Order In from Delivery in These 4 Situations Image via. Finals Week Food Delivery You probably just cringed while reading the two words “finals week;” I know I did. When people are eating during finals, they tend to go one of two ways: (1) they forget to eat and end up not eating enough throughout the day/week, or (2) they eat constantly throughout studying without ever actually feeling satisfied. On college campuses, many local restaurants also provide delivery deals and food deals so that delivery is not as expensive as it normally would be. However, if you split up the delivery fee and food price between multiple people, the price goes down substantially. If you want some sense of normalcy during finals week, plan out your food deliveries to your 12-hour days at the library. Let’s start with lunch delivery. I know a pizza sounds delicious, but if you have hours of studying ahead of you, I would opt for something that won’t make you feel as sluggish. For lunch, order either a salad, a smoothie bowl, a grain bowl, a sandwich, etc. Make sure that whatever you decide on you get some form of protein in it so that you feel full and aren’t tempted to make another delivery order an hour later. In your lunch order, make sure you get some extra items to snack on if you get, in the words of Jack Peralta in Brooklyn 99, “snackie.” When getting snacks delivered, I would go for the classics: potato chips, pita chips, granola bars, etc. However, depending on where you’re ordering from, the restaurant may have some specialty items that are great for snacking as well. One of my favorite finals snacks that I would get delivered along with my lunch was a yogurt parfait and a vegan banana bread that tasted so delicious I always wished that I ordered more than one piece. Snacks, in my opinion, aren’t always used to satiate hunger, rather, I used them to help me focus while going over a long study guide. Finally, dinner. Dinner is so important and, since you remained relatively healthy during the stay, allow yourself to splurge and treat yourself a bit. Depending on where you’re located, options might be different, but most places have a restaurant that delivers pizza and pasta. Finals week is essentially a marathon; and what do marathoners do before a big race? They carbo-load. Therefore, you need to carbo-load during dinner to have the energy to make it across the finish line. Image via. Break Up Food Delivery Whether you were broken up with, you did the breaking up, or the end of the relationship was mutual, a big part of your life has changed. This big change calls for some special food delivery. The hardest part of any breakup is getting adjusted to this new normal of not having this person in your life anymore. However, you need to let yourself grieve before getting back to a sense of normalcy, so let’s start with food delivery for that. I’m not trying to sound like a cliché, but ice-cream, popcorn, and pizza are essential, especially if your closest friends are sitting by your side helping you get through this tumultuous time. If you need to switch things up, Chinese food is also a FANTASTIC option; nothing like some fried rice and dumplings to get you through the harsh beginning of a breakup. Now that the hardest few days/weeks are over, it’s time to get back into routine and start taking care of your current number one priority: you. I’m not saying to get on any sort of health kick, unless you want to, I’m just saying to go back to some sort of regular eating schedule and eating practices that you considered regular pre-breakup. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in-between are essential to getting back into a routine. Let’s start with breakfast. If you still aren’t up to cooking, order in yourself a bagel with a side of fruit, or oatmeal, or a smoothie bowl (my mouth is watering as I write this). Eggs don’t deliver well, so avoid getting omelets or a BEC sandwich. As the saying goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Infographic by Amanda Cohen Lunch is important as well, and it’s important to surround yourself with good people during lunch to give you a boost during the day. So, what should you and your friends order while watching Netflix and chatting? Mediterranean food is always the answer. Chicken and beef skewer platters, rice, grilled vegetables, some hummus, baba ghanoush, and tzatziki, and some pita bread. This also works for dinner, but I suggest doing this for lunch because filling up your day prevents you from holing up in your room looking through old photos and making yourself sadder than you already are. Now that you are already conquering your breakup in the best way possible, its time for, “Winner, winner, chicken dinner.” You don’t actually have to have chicken for dinner, but definitely have something tasty and substantial. I have one word for you: sushi. Not only is sushi delicious, but it classes up your delivery experience. In addition, if you’re anything like me, you always want something sweet after having sushi, so you can use up the rest of your ben Jerry’s pint if Phish Food after going ham on your spicy tuna rolls and miso soup. Plus, if you order edamame, you will feel like the epitome of health, which is fantastic. Image via. Girls Night In Food Delivery Unlike the two situations above, you only have two meals to think about during a girls night in: dinner and dessert. Let’s start with dinner. You can handle dinner one of two ways; you can either order in from one place and get a variety of dishes from there, or you can create a Smorgasbord of sorts and order from a variety of places. If you want to order from one place only, I suggest either Chinese, pizza, or Mediterranean. Chinese food is always large in portions, so you can order a variety of dishes and each have a little bit of everything (my personal favorite is sesame chicken, but you do you). Pizza is pretty straight forward, I would order multiple types of pizza pies, some salad, and a few pastas; don’t worry about over-ordering because pizza and pasta make for great leftovers. Finally, Mediterranean is great because you can usually get large platters from restaurants that have a variety of meats, vegetables, dips, and more! What to do for dessert? Here are some options. First, Get McDonald’s McFlurries delivered; they are already individually packed and they are excellent; definitely a fun splurge for a girl’s night. I prefer the Oreo McFlurry, but if you and your friends have differing opinions, no need to worry because everyone has a chance to order their flavor of choice! Another fun thing to order for dessert is a variety of cookies. Most places have an Insomnia Cookie or something along those same lines, and they usually deliver until very late hours of the night (and even into the morning). Order a dozen (or more) cookies, some ice-cream and either make some ice-cream sandwiches, which would be a fun girls night in activity, or you can just get the cookies and dunk them in some milk and re-create the Oreo commercials if you want. The world is truly your oyster! Image via. Syllabus Week Food Delivery Syllabus week is super busy; reuniting with friends, meeting new people, preparing for classes, and a jam-packed social schedule. During this busy time, cooking and grocery shopping are the last things on your mind, so you have to take advantage of delivery. Since you’re so busy, you are going to want every meal to be quick, easy, and tasty. To avoid tons of delivery charges, place one order at lunch and order extra so that you have food already in your fridge for dinner. Since you are going to order ahead of time, you need to order food that saves well and has a longer shelf-life, so to speak. If you plan on doing a lot of partying, it is important to nourish your body with carbs and protein. Italian food is the easiest food to order that saves well and will fill you up. Italian food is so much more than pizza: order a few pasta dishes, some salad, maybe a chicken parmesan dish, and so on. You will feel full and have lunch and dinner for the next few days. The beauty of Italian food is that it also helps to ensure that you get in all your food groups because it’s both meat, carb, and vegetable based food. You have good food to keep you going, both physically and mentally, which is all you can really ask for during syllabus week. If you are planning on doing multiple deliveries, you could order in some Thai food or sushi to switch things up. However, don’t place any orders until you talk to your friends because maybe you will go for a big group order where the options are limitless. Your group orders can follow the guidelines of the girls night in order talked about above. You probably won’t need to worry about breakfast because you’re a college student and will rely mostly on easy-to-cook items and power bars. Now that you have all the food you can order for a variety of scenarios, here are the apps to download to ensure that you have access to the largest and most diverse restaurants you can think of: Door Dash Grubhub Seamless Caviar UberEATS Take Out Taxi Yelp Postmates Instacart Foodler GoPuff Now that you have all of the tools, let me tell you my personal opinion about what type of cuisines deliver the best and taste just as good when they are delivered as they do when you sit down at the restaurant: Chinese food Thai food Italian food Mediterranean food (with the exception of cooked fish) American food (with the exception of steak) Health food (i.e. salads and grain bowls) Other foods deliver well, but are not nearly as tasty as they are if you were to eat them sitting down at the restaurant, so this is just something to keep in mind. I hope this has helped you and can help you achieve all of your delivery dreams and desires. These suggestions are especially useful in the winter where leaving your apartment/house/dorm room is treacherous because of the frigid weather. If you are worried about spending too much money on delivery, make sure you sign up for e-mails from the various apps on your phone. I know the constant flood of messages may be annoying, but these apps often offer promotions, opportunities for free delivery, and they will send you lists of restaurants that are having the best deals on food. If you are a college student, these deals should appeal to you and you should be okay with the extra volume of e-mails trickling into your inbox. So, don’t stress when life hits you in ways that you couldn’t even imagine, because you now have one less thing to worry about: what you’re going to eat during those times where there are high levels of uncertainty.

You Learn More if You are Laughing at the Same Time

You Learn More if You are Laughing at the Same Time I think you learn more if you are laughing at the same time. Mary Ann Shaffer During her life, Mary Ann Shaffer achieved to become an editor, starting as librarian and then seller in bookstores. She truly loved books and used to dream about her own novel to be published one day. Mary Ann Shaffer had cancer. So in order to finish her book, Mary Ann asked her niece Annie for help. Annie, by then, was already known as the author of the childrens series Ivy and Bean and The Magic Half The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society became Shaffers first novel. Unfortunately, Mary Ann Shaffer died in February 2008, just months before her first novel was published.

Living in Abu Dhabi Eat like a local!

Living in Abu Dhabi Eat like a local! We’re of the opinion that trying new foods is part of the experience when you move to teach abroad. If a fusion of traditional arabic and international cuisine is what you are after, then Abu Dhabi is going to be right up your alley. It’s a foodie’s paradise. While you can find almost all international eats your heart desires in Abu Dhabi, this blog is dedicated to teaching you how to eat like you’re a born-and-bred Emirati. Read on and get your tastebuds ready! Milk and dates This popular snack is a go-to energy booster, especially during Ramadan fasting. Milk and dates are often how traditional Emiratis begin a meal, as it is believed this was the preferred snack of the Prophet Muhammad. Dates are grown locally in abundance in the UAE so nosh away! Al Harees Image: CNN Al Harees is a simple, traditional dish of meat, typically lamb, and wheat, meant for special occasions like weddings and during Ramadan. It takes a while to make, but it is well worth the wait. After simmering the ground wheat, meat, and salt in a pot for a few hours (until the meat is fully cooked and dissolved into the wheat), the mixture is placed into a clay pot, buried in to the ground with hot coals and left to cook for another few hours. Once complete, you may top the dish with ghee (clarified butter) and enjoy! Salona This dish is a foodie favorite. Put simply, it is a meat and vegetable soup. The meat is boiled with onions in a broth of aromatic spices, and then fresh, local vegetables like okra, bell peppers, eggplant and courgettes are added along with crushed tomatoes. This healthy and nutritious dish is enjoyed by locals as a meal or starter dish. Madrooba When you are living in a coastal city, there is one thing you must take advantage of: fresh seafood. In the fish markets in Abu Dhabi, you can find endless varieties of fish. A local staple is Madrooba, which is a dish made with a salt-cured fish called maleh. Maleh is prepared by thoroughly rinsing then boiling the fish in a traditional Arabic spice blend. Next, flour is added, which thickens the broth into a savory sauce. This dish is finally topped with ghee and served with flatbread. Manakeesh Pizza lovers rejoice! The Arabic world has their own version of this delicious staple. Made with a round piece of dough and sprinkled with cheese, ground meat or herbs, it is enjoyed typically for breakfast or lunch in the UAE. Manakeesh can be found in varying forms and everywhere from upscale restaurants to street vendors. Luqaimat We’re of the opinion that no meal is complete without something sweet to finish it off, and this tasty treat can be found throughout Abu Dhabi. While some liken the luqaimat to a donut, it is much more delicate and light in taste and texture. This is fine dining, and luqaimat can be enjoyed at any time of day, even for breakfast! We hope we've given you an appetite for Arabic delicacies by now! And don’t forget, you will be able to find more well-known Arabic staples like hummus, falafel and shawarma throughout Abu Dhabi, but we encourage you to be adventurous and feast on the traditional foods as well. Ready to look at our teaching abroad opportunities? See what positions we have in Abu Dhabi on our jobs board.

A Chemistry 101 Online Tutor is a Must

A Chemistry 101 Online Tutor is a MustA Chemistry 101 online tutor is going to be an essential thing for your success when taking and studying a course like this. A tutor will help you get the most out of the course and will be able to cover the material that you may not have had time to study before. In addition, he or she will make sure that you follow through with what you have been asked to do.If you are wondering how to find a good online tutor, there are several things that you should keep in mind. This includes what type of student you are and what you will be doing with the course. A course like this will have requirements that will be different from one that is being taught at a university.First, you need to consider if you want to pursue a full-time program or an online program. You can certainly achieve the same degree and then go on to a four-year college and major in this course. This is not the best idea, however, because there are so many more opportunities for student s in the online world. This is especially true in a field like this.If you are planning on an online program, you need to think about where you will go and how you will stay motivated. Do you like to work when you are studying? How much do you work with your tutor? These are just some of the questions that you will need to ask yourself.Another thing to think about when finding an online tutor is whether or not he or she is going to be accredited. Many will tell you that they are not, but this is not true. There are several companies out there that will say that they are accredited, but really, they aren't. One way to be sure is to check with your state's department of education.You also need to take into consideration if you are going to get paid for this course. Online tutors will often charge by the hour, which is fine, but make sure that you know that the teaching fee will be deducted from your final payment. Make sure that you also find out the length of the course as well.Onlin e courses are becoming more popular each day. Make sure that you take your time and that you are going to be able to pay the fee in full.